Product Description
Hard Water Softener
The Natural Healthy Water Treatment Solution
Regular Softener System $139.95
HD model $209.95
Hard Water Costs a Lot of Money
Replacing scale ruined faucets, shower heads, toilets, dishwashers, washing machines, water heaters, water systems , and plumbing costs a lot of money.
The US Government reports: Heating water through 3/8”-1/2” of scale costs 48%-60% more energy – literally heating through rock before heating the water. A scaled water heater can easily cost a family of 4 an additional $600-$1000 a year. But how do you get rid of the scale?
Salt softeners stop the scaling, but they are expensive; come with a lifetime of monthly costs, do not eliminate any previous scale buildup and the salt ends up in our drinking water – not a great bargain.
Electronic softeners like magnetic conditioners, use electromotive energies to make the water soft, but are very expensive !!
EnviroMagnetics Hard Water Softener
Saves Money
With millions in R&D, EnviroMagnetics Hard Water Softener (HWS) is the latest generation of the original Monopolar System that broke through the power barrier that has enabled permanent guaranteed, water softening to tens of thousands of home owners worldwide.
The EnviroMagnetics HWS is over 14 times more powerful that the original Monopolar System. Made with extremely strong Neodymium Super magnets, the HWS literally makes the water so soft, all the scale in the plumbing, heater and washing appliances dissolves like sugar and goes down the drain.
How Monopolar Water Softening Works
Basically, the strong magnetic field instantly reduces the high surface tension of hard water to the low surface tension of soft water. For the science, read the following:
Basic hard water contains dissolved solids of calcium salts, mostly calcium bicarbonate which comes from limestone rock. Most people do not know that hard limestone rock is a mineral salt that dissolves in water as TDS (total dissolved solids) which travel up into the plumbing where it reforms as rock scale buildup. This occurs because there is a natural electromotive potential [difference] between the limestone and the water which dissolves the limestone.
The resulting charge between the water and the TDS of calcium is in the negative mV (millivoltage) range. The negative charge creates what is known in physics as “down-spin” which contracts the bond-lengths (distance) between the atoms and molecules making the water denser with higher surface tension. The hard water’s high surface tension allows only so many TDS in its solution until it reaches the saturation point. Once the water’s saturation point is met, any additional soluble calcium is mechanically pushed out of the water to crystallize (nucleate) back into the hard-rock scale buildup known as calcite (shown below in the electron microscope pictures on the web site) inside the plumbing. In heating water (phase change), the greater molecular activity of the heat increases the nucleation is the reason why there is greater scale buildup in heaters or boilers than in the piping.
What EnviroMagnetics Monopolar technology does is increase the water’s solvency and softness by treating it with a positive charge which expands (“up-spin”) the atomic and molecular bonds which substantially reduces the surface tension making the water naturally soft. The lowered surface tension substantially increases the TDS saturation point which naturally hydrates the calcite scale buildup in the plumbing in the same mechanical action when it originally dissolved it in the earth. The increased solvency turns the hard calcite scale into soft aragonite (shown below in the electron microscope pictures on this web page) which dissolves and is carried down the drain. The result is the water is soft and the system is descaled – literally taking the equipment and plumbing system back to pre-scale operating efficiency substantially reducing the heating cost and equipment replacement costs.
Electron Microscopy of the Magnetic Hardwater
Softener Making Hard Calcium Scale Soft
Both pictures are the same image resolution scale. About 5 mm corresponds to 1 micrometer. These pictures are before and after (Kulish Monopolar) Magnetic Softener treatment of hard water that is supplied for use in industrial production. Both the normal and treated hard water were left to dry on a substrate and then viewed through an electron microscope for a comparative study.
The left picture (untreated) shows the normal, large hard calcite crystals of scaled calcium. The right picture (treated) shows the changed hard calcite crystals into the smaller, separate non-scale forming crystals of soft aragonite calcium which, like sugar or salt in water, simply dissolve into the soft treated water and wash away. These microscopic pictures show how hard water and its scale immediately changes into soft, scale-free water just passing through the Powerful EnviroMagnetics Magnetic Monopolar Softener.
Save Money, Energy and Maintenance
• Naturally softens water
• Reduces shampoo and soap needs
• Reduces water heating costs
• Extends water heater & appliance life
• Use no external power
• Goes on it 5 minutes without tools
• Lasts a lifetime
• No monthly softener maintenance costs
• Eliminates and prevents scale build-up
• Works on all piping – steel, PVC, copper
• Helps neutralize corrosive water
• Helps eliminate green stains
• Lifetime Power Warranty
• Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Enjoy natural soft water. People always remark how soft and silky their hair feels from bathing in naturally softened water; how the dishes and clothing are cleaner; and how the hardwater stains dissolve.
What Others Say About Monopolar Hardwater Softener Technology Comparison Chart of Water Softeners
Softener System Comparison Chart
Lifetime Power Warranty • Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Installs in Minutes with No Tools No Maintenance Ever
Standard Hard Water Softener
2 Unit System Super Softener For Homes with Water Heater Tank
2-Unit Standard Softener System: One Softener is installed on the cold line to provide energized soft water to all of the cold lines and the water heater.
2nd Softener: Water loses some of its softening (millivoltage) energy when it is heated (thermal vibrational depolarization). To maintain fully soft water to the furthest bathroom from the heater, a 2nd softener is applied to the heater exit pipe to re-energize and soften the hot water.
This was established with the 1st generation monopolar clamp-on system in 1985 to ensure a guaranteed system that delivered all the permanent soft water benefits.
Treatment Unit
Treatment Unit
Heavy Duty Hard Water Softener 3 Unit System Heavy Duty Hard Water Softener
For Homes with a Winter/Summer Furnace or Tank-less Water Heater
3-Unit Heavy Duty Softener System: One Softener is installed on the cold line to provide energized soft water through all of the cold lines.
2nd & 3rd Softeners: All Winter/Summer boiler or Flash (Instant) tank-less water heating systems use an inside heating coil that heats the water instantly which is called phase change.
Since phase change reduces the softening millivoltage energy (thermal vibrational depolarization), a Softener must be installed just before and after the heating coil to re-energize the water to protect the coil and to maintain its softness to the furthest bathroom from the heater.
This was established with the 1st generation monopolar clamp-on system in 1985 to ensure a guaranteed system that delivered all the permanent soft water benefits.
Treatment Unit
Treatment Unit
High Powered Magnetic Alloys – TS/ISO 9001: 2008Magnetic Alloys – TS/ISO 9001: 2008
bossless –
Water seems somewhat softer.
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